
Kontakta vårt internationella säljteam för distributörsinformation i ditt land

  • Storbritannien
  • Sydirland
  • Norra Irland
  • Frankrike
  • Tyskland
  • Nederländerna
  • Poland
  • Hungary
  • Czech Republic
  • Italy
  • Portugal
  • Malta
  • Spain
  • Belgium
  • Slovenia
  • Greece
  • Austria
  • Storbritannien
    Louise Jones

    Chef för Commercial & Technical UK

    Telephone : +44 7843 349 054

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Louise är vår Head of Commercial and Technical på den brittiska marknaden och leder vårt team av registrerade hästnäringsläkare i regionen. Med en examen i hästvetenskap säkerställer Louise att våra lokala kunders hästar kan njuta av kontinuerligt välbefinnande och prestation med våra vetenskapligt formulerade kosttillskott utformade för att driva framgång.

  • Sydirland
    Lorraine Fradl

    Chef för Commercial & Technical Ireland

    Telephone : +353 87 257 5398

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Head of Commercial & Technical i Sydirland, Lorraine är en Senior Equine Nutritionist med global erfarenhet av att leverera försäljning och teknisk support i Mellanöstern och Europa. Lorraine tyckte om att arbeta med avelskunder, sporthästar och fullblodskunder på deras gårdar över hela Irland, och ge råd om de bästa kosttillskottslösningarna till uppfödare, tränare och kunder i allmänhet för att maximera hästars prestation och välbefinnande. Dessutom utökar Lorraine sin tekniska support till våra kunder i Nordirland tillsammans med Jenny Crozier som fokuserar på kommersiell support i Nordirland.

  • Norra Irland
    Jenny Crozier

    Försäljningschef i Nordirland

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Jenny är försäljningschef för Foran Equine i Nordirland och arbetar tillsammans med Lorraine Fradl, som tillhandahåller teknisk support till våra lokala kunder. Jenny ansvarar för att förse våra kunder med Foran Equine-tillskott för att komplettera deras val av foder.

    Lorraine Fradl

    Teknisk support Nordirland

    Telephone : +353 87 257 5398

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Head of Commercial & Technical i Sydirland, Lorraine är en Senior Equine Nutritionist med global erfarenhet av att leverera försäljning och teknisk support i Mellanöstern och Europa. Lorraine tyckte om att arbeta med avelskunder, sporthästar och fullblodskunder på deras gårdar över hela Irland, och ge råd om de bästa kosttillskottslösningarna till uppfödare, tränare och kunder i allmänhet för att maximera hästars prestation och välbefinnande. Dessutom utökar Lorraine sin tekniska support till våra kunder i Nordirland tillsammans med Jenny Crozier som fokuserar på kommersiell support i Nordirland.

  • Frankrike
    Sylvain Prouvoyeur


    Telephone : +33 698675138

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Som Foran Equine-säljare i Frankrike har Sylvain fostrat många relationer med spelare i olika branschrelaterade segment, allt från sporthäst till kapplöpningshäst. Sylvain tillgodoser våra kunder i den franska regionen och levererar några av de största stallarna och kunderna i landet.

    Alexandre Pucheu


    Telephone : +33 647774565

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Alexandre är försäljningsrepresentant för Foran Equine i den europeiska regionen Frankrike, och arbetar tillsammans med vår kommersiella och tekniska chef, Coralie Chaverot, för att tillgodose behoven hos våra kunder som vill köpa våra världskända kosttillskott som kompletterar deras val av foder.

    Coralie Chaverot

    Kommersiell & teknisk chef

    Telephone : +33 761125330

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Som certifierad djurhälsotekniker är Coralie Commercial & Technical Manager för Foran Equine och ger teknisk support till kunder i den större europeiska regionen tillsammans med vår försäljningsrepresentant, Alexandre Pucheu. Kontakta Coralie för alla tekniska frågor som rör din hästs diet eller kosttillskott.

  • Tyskland
    Henrik Berkel

    Försäljningsrepresentant Foran Equine

    Telephone : +49 (0) 173 608 77 55

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Henrick är försäljningsrepresentant för Foran Equine i Tyskland. Han är ansvarig för att utveckla det lokala distributörsnätverket och ge support till detaljhandelsnätverket över hela marknaden, i samarbete med vår internationella tekniska och näringschef för Tyskland, Julia Gray.

    Julia Gray

    Internationell teknisk och näringschef

    Telephone : +49 (0)151 15697373

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Julia är International Technical and Nutrition Manager för Foran Equine, och levererar teknisk support till våra kunder i Tyskland tillsammans med vår försäljningsrepresentant, Henrik Berkel. Julia arbetar med olika uppfödare, ryttare och tränare av kapplöpningshästar och sporthästar över hela Tyskland, och levererar enastående stöd för att hjälpa till att driva hästframgång på banan och utanför.

  • Nederländerna
    Mirjam Horse Products

    Foran Equine Distributör Nederländerna

    Telephone : +31650682061

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Mirjam Horse Products är en väletablerad distributör av Foran Equine-produkter i Nederländerna. Mirjam kan hjälpa dig med eventuella frågor. Ta kontakt via e-post eller telefon.

    Nicola Heyworth

    Kommersiell chef

    Telephone : +44 7738 497801

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Nicola är Commercial Manager för Foran Equine som täcker ett större Europa och regionerna i Fjärran Östern. Hon kombinerar sina 11 års erfarenhet inom försäljning, teknik och marknadsföring för att ge support till våra internationella distributörer tillsammans med vår tekniska och näringschef, Rebecca Watson. Nicola är ansvarig för att utveckla vårt distributörs- och detaljhandelsnätverk i Europa och Sydostasien

    Rebecca Watson

    Teknisk och näringsansvarig

    Telephone : +353 83 170 1659

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Rebecca har en MSc i hästvetenskap och är vår tekniska och nutritionschef, och arbetar tillsammans med Nicola Heyworth, vår kommersiella chef i Sydostasien, Australien och Nya Zeeland, och Stephanie Smith som tillhandahåller internationell försäljningssupport i Norden. Rebecca har lång erfarenhet inom disciplinerna kappsegling, avels- och sporthästmedicin, kirurgi och nutrition.

  • Poland
    Nicola Heyworth

    Commercial Manager

    Telephone : +44 7738 497801

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Nicola is the Commercial Manager for Foran Equine covering wider Europe and the Far East regions. She combines her 11 years of experience in sales, technical and marketing roles to provide support to our international distributors together with our Technical and Nutritional Manager, Rebecca Watson. Nicola is responsible for developing our distributor and retail network in wider Europe and the Far East region.

    Rebecca Watson

    Technical and Nutritional Manager

    Telephone : +353 83 170 1659

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Rebecca has an MSc in Equine Science and is our Technical and Nutritional Manager, working together with Nicola Heyworth, our Commercial Manager in the Far East, Australia and New Zealand, and Stephanie Smith who provides International Sales Support in the Nordic regions. Rebecca has extensive experience in the disciplines of racing, stud and sport horse medicine, surgery and nutrition.

  • Hungary
    Nicola Heyworth

    Commercial Manager

    Telephone : +44 7738 497801

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Nicola is the Commercial Manager for Foran Equine covering wider Europe and the Far East regions. She combines her 11 years of experience in sales, technical and marketing roles to provide support to our international distributors together with our Technical and Nutritional Manager, Rebecca Watson. Nicola is responsible for developing our distributor and retail network in wider Europe and the Far East region.

    Rebecca Watson

    Technical and Nutritional Manager

    Telephone : +353 83 170 1659

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Rebecca has an MSc in Equine Science and is our Technical and Nutritional Manager, working together with Nicola Heyworth, our Commercial Manager in the Far East, Australia and New Zealand, and Stephanie Smith who provides International Sales Support in the Nordic regions. Rebecca has extensive experience in the disciplines of racing, stud and sport horse medicine, surgery and nutrition.

  • Czech Republic
    Nicola Heyworth

    Commercial Manager

    Telephone : +44 7738 497801

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Nicola is the Commercial Manager for Foran Equine covering wider Europe and the Far East regions. She combines her 11 years of experience in sales, technical and marketing roles to provide support to our international distributors together with our Technical and Nutritional Manager, Rebecca Watson. Nicola is responsible for developing our distributor and retail network in wider Europe and the Far East region.

    Rebecca Watson

    Technical and Nutritional Manager

    Telephone : +353 83 170 1659

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Rebecca has an MSc in Equine Science and is our Technical and Nutritional Manager, working together with Nicola Heyworth, our Commercial Manager in the Far East, Australia and New Zealand, and Stephanie Smith who provides International Sales Support in the Nordic regions. Rebecca has extensive experience in the disciplines of racing, stud and sport horse medicine, surgery and nutrition.

  • Italy
    Nicola Heyworth

    Commercial Manager

    Telephone : +44 7738 497801

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Nicola is the Commercial Manager for Foran Equine covering wider Europe and the Far East regions. She combines her 11 years of experience in sales, technical and marketing roles to provide support to our international distributors together with our Technical and Nutritional Manager, Rebecca Watson. Nicola is responsible for developing our distributor and retail network in wider Europe and the Far East region.

    Rebecca Watson

    Technical and Nutritional Manager

    Telephone : +353 83 170 1659

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Rebecca has an MSc in Equine Science and is our Technical and Nutritional Manager, working together with Nicola Heyworth, our Commercial Manager in the Far East, Australia and New Zealand, and Stephanie Smith who provides International Sales Support in the Nordic regions. Rebecca has extensive experience in the disciplines of racing, stud and sport horse medicine, surgery and nutrition.

  • Portugal
    Nicola Heyworth

    Commercial Manager

    Telephone : +44 7738 497801

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Nicola is the Commercial Manager for Foran Equine covering wider Europe and the Far East regions. She combines her 11 years of experience in sales, technical and marketing roles to provide support to our international distributors together with our Technical and Nutritional Manager, Rebecca Watson. Nicola is responsible for developing our distributor and retail network in wider Europe and the Far East region.

    Rebecca Watson

    Technical and Nutritional Manager

    Telephone : +353 83 170 1659

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Rebecca has an MSc in Equine Science and is our Technical and Nutritional Manager, working together with Nicola Heyworth, our Commercial Manager in the Far East, Australia and New Zealand, and Stephanie Smith who provides International Sales Support in the Nordic regions. Rebecca has extensive experience in the disciplines of racing, stud and sport horse medicine, surgery and nutrition.

  • Malta
    Nicola Heyworth

    Commercial Manager

    Telephone : +44 7738 497801

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Nicola is the Commercial Manager for Foran Equine covering wider Europe and the Far East regions. She combines her 11 years of experience in sales, technical and marketing roles to provide support to our international distributors together with our Technical and Nutritional Manager, Rebecca Watson. Nicola is responsible for developing our distributor and retail network in wider Europe and the Far East region.

    Rebecca Watson

    Technical and Nutritional Manager

    Telephone : +353 83 170 1659

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Rebecca has an MSc in Equine Science and is our Technical and Nutritional Manager, working together with Nicola Heyworth, our Commercial Manager in the Far East, Australia and New Zealand, and Stephanie Smith who provides International Sales Support in the Nordic regions. Rebecca has extensive experience in the disciplines of racing, stud and sport horse medicine, surgery and nutrition.

  • Spain
    Nicola Heyworth

    Commercial Manager

    Telephone : +44 7738 497801

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Nicola is the Commercial Manager for Foran Equine covering wider Europe and the Far East regions. She combines her 11 years of experience in sales, technical and marketing roles to provide support to our international distributors together with our Technical and Nutritional Manager, Rebecca Watson. Nicola is responsible for developing our distributor and retail network in wider Europe and the Far East region.

    Rebecca Watson

    Technical and Nutritional Manager

    Telephone : +353 83 170 1659

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Rebecca has an MSc in Equine Science and is our Technical and Nutritional Manager, working together with Nicola Heyworth, our Commercial Manager in the Far East, Australia and New Zealand, and Stephanie Smith who provides International Sales Support in the Nordic regions. Rebecca has extensive experience in the disciplines of racing, stud and sport horse medicine, surgery and nutrition.

  • Belgium
    Nicola Heyworth

    Commercial Manager

    Telephone : +44 7738 497801

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Nicola is the Commercial Manager for Foran Equine covering wider Europe and the Far East regions. She combines her 11 years of experience in sales, technical and marketing roles to provide support to our international distributors together with our Technical and Nutritional Manager, Rebecca Watson. Nicola is responsible for developing our distributor and retail network in wider Europe and the Far East region.

    Rebecca Watson

    Technical and Nutritional Manager

    Telephone : +353 83 170 1659

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Rebecca has an MSc in Equine Science and is our Technical and Nutritional Manager, working together with Nicola Heyworth, our Commercial Manager in the Far East, Australia and New Zealand, and Stephanie Smith who provides International Sales Support in the Nordic regions. Rebecca has extensive experience in the disciplines of racing, stud and sport horse medicine, surgery and nutrition.

  • Slovenia
    Nicola Heyworth

    Commercial Manager

    Telephone : +44 7738 497801

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Nicola is the Commercial Manager for Foran Equine covering wider Europe and the Far East regions. She combines her 11 years of experience in sales, technical and marketing roles to provide support to our international distributors together with our Technical and Nutritional Manager, Rebecca Watson. Nicola is responsible for developing our distributor and retail network in wider Europe and the Far East region.

    Rebecca Watson

    Technical and Nutritional Manager

    Telephone : +353 83 170 1659

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Rebecca has an MSc in Equine Science and is our Technical and Nutritional Manager, working together with Nicola Heyworth, our Commercial Manager in the Far East, Australia and New Zealand, and Stephanie Smith who provides International Sales Support in the Nordic regions. Rebecca has extensive experience in the disciplines of racing, stud and sport horse medicine, surgery and nutrition.

  • Greece
    Nicola Heyworth

    Commercial Manager

    Telephone : +44 7738 497801

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Nicola is the Commercial Manager for Foran Equine covering wider Europe and the Far East regions. She combines her 11 years of experience in sales, technical and marketing roles to provide support to our international distributors together with our Technical and Nutritional Manager, Rebecca Watson. Nicola is responsible for developing our distributor and retail network in wider Europe and the Far East region.

    Rebecca Watson

    Technical and Nutritional Manager

    Telephone : +353 83 170 1659

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Rebecca has an MSc in Equine Science and is our Technical and Nutritional Manager, working together with Nicola Heyworth, our Commercial Manager in the Far East, Australia and New Zealand, and Stephanie Smith who provides International Sales Support in the Nordic regions. Rebecca has extensive experience in the disciplines of racing, stud and sport horse medicine, surgery and nutrition.

  • Austria
    Nicola Heyworth

    Commercial Manager

    Telephone : +44 7738 497801

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Nicola is the Commercial Manager for Foran Equine covering wider Europe and the Far East regions. She combines her 11 years of experience in sales, technical and marketing roles to provide support to our international distributors together with our Technical and Nutritional Manager, Rebecca Watson. Nicola is responsible for developing our distributor and retail network in wider Europe and the Far East region.

    Rebecca Watson

    Technical and Nutritional Manager

    Telephone : +353 83 170 1659

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Rebecca has an MSc in Equine Science and is our Technical and Nutritional Manager, working together with Nicola Heyworth, our Commercial Manager in the Far East, Australia and New Zealand, and Stephanie Smith who provides International Sales Support in the Nordic regions. Rebecca has extensive experience in the disciplines of racing, stud and sport horse medicine, surgery and nutrition.

  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • Norway
  • Denmark
    Stephanie Smith

    International Sales Support

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Stephanie provides International Sales Support to our customers in Sweden, Denmark and Finland, working together with our Technical and Nutritional Manager, Rebecca Watson, to support our local customers looking to purchase our scientifically formulated Foran Equine supplements that meet the individual requirements of their competing horses.

    Rebecca Watson

    Technical and Nutritional Manager

    Telephone : +353 83 170 1659

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Rebecca has an MSc in Equine Science and is our Technical and Nutritional Manager, working together with Nicola Heyworth, our Commercial Manager in the Far East, Australia and New Zealand, and Stephanie Smith who provides International Sales Support in the Nordic regions. Rebecca has extensive experience in the disciplines of racing, stud and sport horse medicine, surgery and nutrition.

  • Finland
    Stephanie Smith

    International Sales Support

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Stephanie provides International Sales Support to our customers in Sweden, Denmark and Finland, working together with our Technical and Nutritional Manager, Rebecca Watson, to support our local customers looking to purchase our scientifically formulated Foran Equine supplements that meet the individual requirements of their competing horses.

    Rebecca Watson

    Technical and Nutritional Manager

    Telephone : +353 83 170 1659

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Rebecca has an MSc in Equine Science and is our Technical and Nutritional Manager, working together with Nicola Heyworth, our Commercial Manager in the Far East, Australia and New Zealand, and Stephanie Smith who provides International Sales Support in the Nordic regions. Rebecca has extensive experience in the disciplines of racing, stud and sport horse medicine, surgery and nutrition.

  • Norway
    Caroline Gyllenberg

    National Sales Manager Sweden and Norway

    Telephone : + 46 (0) 767 88 88 67

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Caroline är vår svenska kontakt för försäljning och säljsupport till våra kunder när det gäller Foran Equine och Carr & Day & Martin i Sverige och Norge. Caroline jobbar nära vårt internationella säljteam och har support av vår Technical and Nutritional Manager, Rebecca Watson.

  • Nya Zeeland/Australien
    Nicola Heyworth

    Commercial Manager

    Telephone : +44 7738 497801

    Email : [email protected]

    Nicola is the Commercial Manager for Foran Equine covering wider Europe and the Far East regions. She combines her 11 years of experience in sales, technical and marketing roles to provide support to our international distributors together with our Technical and Nutritional Manager, Rebecca Watson. Nicola is responsible for developing our distributor and retail network in wider Europe and the Far East region.

    Rebecca Watson

    Technical and Nutritional Manager

    Telephone : +353 83 170 1659

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Rebecca has an MSc in Equine Science and is our Technical and Nutritional Manager, working together with Nicola Heyworth, our Commercial Manager in the Far East, Australia and New Zealand, and Stephanie Smith who provides International Sales Support in the Nordic regions. Rebecca has extensive experience in the disciplines of racing, stud and sport horse medicine, surgery and nutrition.

  • United Arab Emirates
  • Turkey
  • Bahrain
  • Qatar
  • Oman
  • Kuwait
  • Ghana
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • United Arab Emirates
    Dominic Bligh

    Kommersiell och teknisk support Mellanöstern

    Telephone : +971 56 142 5899

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Dominic erbjuder kommersiell och teknisk support för Foran Equine-kunder i Mellanöstern, vilket säkerställer tillgång till vårt utbud av över 60 produkter samtidigt som det ger ledande råd och teknisk support.

  • Turkey
    Dominic Bligh

    Kommersiell och teknisk support Mellanöstern

    Telephone : +971 56 142 5899

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Dominic erbjuder kommersiell och teknisk support för Foran Equine-kunder i Mellanöstern, vilket säkerställer tillgång till vårt utbud av över 60 produkter samtidigt som det ger ledande råd och teknisk support.

  • Bahrain
    Dominic Bligh

    Kommersiell och teknisk support Mellanöstern

    Telephone : +971 56 142 5899

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Dominic erbjuder kommersiell och teknisk support för Foran Equine-kunder i Mellanöstern, vilket säkerställer tillgång till vårt utbud av över 60 produkter samtidigt som det ger ledande råd och teknisk support.

  • Qatar
    Dominic Bligh

    Kommersiell och teknisk support Mellanöstern

    Telephone : +971 56 142 5899

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Dominic erbjuder kommersiell och teknisk support för Foran Equine-kunder i Mellanöstern, vilket säkerställer tillgång till vårt utbud av över 60 produkter samtidigt som det ger ledande råd och teknisk support.

  • Oman
    Dominic Bligh

    Kommersiell och teknisk support Mellanöstern

    Telephone : +971 56 142 5899

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Dominic erbjuder kommersiell och teknisk support för Foran Equine-kunder i Mellanöstern, vilket säkerställer tillgång till vårt utbud av över 60 produkter samtidigt som det ger ledande råd och teknisk support.

  • Kuwait
    Dominic Bligh

    Kommersiell och teknisk support Mellanöstern

    Telephone : +971 56 142 5899

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Dominic erbjuder kommersiell och teknisk support för Foran Equine-kunder i Mellanöstern, vilket säkerställer tillgång till vårt utbud av över 60 produkter samtidigt som det ger ledande råd och teknisk support.

  • Ghana
    Dominic Bligh

    Kommersiell och teknisk support Mellanöstern

    Telephone : +971 56 142 5899

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Dominic erbjuder kommersiell och teknisk support för Foran Equine-kunder i Mellanöstern, vilket säkerställer tillgång till vårt utbud av över 60 produkter samtidigt som det ger ledande råd och teknisk support.

  • Libya
    Dominic Bligh

    Kommersiell och teknisk support Mellanöstern

    Telephone : +971 56 142 5899

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Dominic erbjuder kommersiell och teknisk support för Foran Equine-kunder i Mellanöstern, vilket säkerställer tillgång till vårt utbud av över 60 produkter samtidigt som det ger ledande råd och teknisk support.

  • Morocco
    Nicola Heyworth

    Commercial Manager

    Telephone : +44 7738 497801

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Nicola is the Commercial Manager for Foran Equine covering wider Europe and the Far East regions. She combines her 11 years of experience in sales, technical and marketing roles to provide support to our international distributors together with our Technical and Nutritional Manager, Rebecca Watson. Nicola is responsible for developing our distributor and retail network in wider Europe and the Far East region.

    Rebecca Watson

    Technical and Nutritional Manager

    Telephone : +353 83 170 1659

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Rebecca has an MSc in Equine Science and is our Technical and Nutritional Manager, working together with Nicola Heyworth, our Commercial Manager in the Far East, Australia and New Zealand, and Stephanie Smith who provides International Sales Support in the Nordic regions. Rebecca has extensive experience in the disciplines of racing, stud and sport horse medicine, surgery and nutrition.

  • Japan
  • Sydkorea
  • Kina
  • Taiwan
  • Singapore
  • mongoliet
  • Japan
    Nicola Heyworth

    Commercial Manager

    Telephone : +44 7738 497801

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Nicola is the Commercial Manager for Foran Equine covering wider Europe and the Far East regions. She combines her 11 years of experience in sales, technical and marketing roles to provide support to our international distributors together with our Technical and Nutritional Manager, Rebecca Watson. Nicola is responsible for developing our distributor and retail network in wider Europe and the Far East region.

    Rebecca Watson

    Technical and Nutritional Manager

    Telephone : +353 83 170 1659

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Rebecca has an MSc in Equine Science and is our Technical and Nutritional Manager, working together with Nicola Heyworth, our Commercial Manager in the Far East, Australia and New Zealand, and Stephanie Smith who provides International Sales Support in the Nordic regions. Rebecca has extensive experience in the disciplines of racing, stud and sport horse medicine, surgery and nutrition.

  • Sydkorea
    Nicola Heyworth

    Commercial Manager

    Telephone : +44 7738 497801

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Nicola is the Commercial Manager for Foran Equine covering wider Europe and the Far East regions. She combines her 11 years of experience in sales, technical and marketing roles to provide support to our international distributors together with our Technical and Nutritional Manager, Rebecca Watson. Nicola is responsible for developing our distributor and retail network in wider Europe and the Far East region.

    Rebecca Watson

    Technical and Nutritional Manager

    Telephone : +353 83 170 1659

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Rebecca has an MSc in Equine Science and is our Technical and Nutritional Manager, working together with Nicola Heyworth, our Commercial Manager in the Far East, Australia and New Zealand, and Stephanie Smith who provides International Sales Support in the Nordic regions. Rebecca has extensive experience in the disciplines of racing, stud and sport horse medicine, surgery and nutrition.

  • Kina
    Nicola Heyworth

    Commercial Manager

    Telephone : +44 7738 497801

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Nicola is the Commercial Manager for Foran Equine covering wider Europe and the Far East regions. She combines her 11 years of experience in sales, technical and marketing roles to provide support to our international distributors together with our Technical and Nutritional Manager, Rebecca Watson. Nicola is responsible for developing our distributor and retail network in wider Europe and the Far East region.

    Rebecca Watson

    Technical and Nutritional Manager

    Telephone : +353 83 170 1659

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Rebecca has an MSc in Equine Science and is our Technical and Nutritional Manager, working together with Nicola Heyworth, our Commercial Manager in the Far East, Australia and New Zealand, and Stephanie Smith who provides International Sales Support in the Nordic regions. Rebecca has extensive experience in the disciplines of racing, stud and sport horse medicine, surgery and nutrition.

  • Taiwan
    Nicola Heyworth

    Commercial Manager

    Telephone : +44 7738 497801

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Nicola is the Commercial Manager for Foran Equine covering wider Europe and the Far East regions. She combines her 11 years of experience in sales, technical and marketing roles to provide support to our international distributors together with our Technical and Nutritional Manager, Rebecca Watson. Nicola is responsible for developing our distributor and retail network in wider Europe and the Far East region.

    Rebecca Watson

    Technical and Nutritional Manager

    Telephone : +353 83 170 1659

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Rebecca has an MSc in Equine Science and is our Technical and Nutritional Manager, working together with Nicola Heyworth, our Commercial Manager in the Far East, Australia and New Zealand, and Stephanie Smith who provides International Sales Support in the Nordic regions. Rebecca has extensive experience in the disciplines of racing, stud and sport horse medicine, surgery and nutrition.

  • Singapore
    Nicola Heyworth

    Commercial Manager

    Telephone : +44 7738 497801

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Nicola is the Commercial Manager for Foran Equine covering wider Europe and the Far East regions. She combines her 11 years of experience in sales, technical and marketing roles to provide support to our international distributors together with our Technical and Nutritional Manager, Rebecca Watson. Nicola is responsible for developing our distributor and retail network in wider Europe and the Far East region.

    Rebecca Watson

    Technical and Nutritional Manager

    Telephone : +353 83 170 1659

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Rebecca has an MSc in Equine Science and is our Technical and Nutritional Manager, working together with Nicola Heyworth, our Commercial Manager in the Far East, Australia and New Zealand, and Stephanie Smith who provides International Sales Support in the Nordic regions. Rebecca has extensive experience in the disciplines of racing, stud and sport horse medicine, surgery and nutrition.

  • mongoliet
    Nicola Heyworth

    Commercial Manager

    Telephone : +44 7738 497801

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Nicola is the Commercial Manager for Foran Equine covering wider Europe and the Far East regions. She combines her 11 years of experience in sales, technical and marketing roles to provide support to our international distributors together with our Technical and Nutritional Manager, Rebecca Watson. Nicola is responsible for developing our distributor and retail network in wider Europe and the Far East region.

    Rebecca Watson

    Technical and Nutritional Manager

    Telephone : +353 83 170 1659

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Rebecca has an MSc in Equine Science and is our Technical and Nutritional Manager, working together with Nicola Heyworth, our Commercial Manager in the Far East, Australia and New Zealand, and Stephanie Smith who provides International Sales Support in the Nordic regions. Rebecca has extensive experience in the disciplines of racing, stud and sport horse medicine, surgery and nutrition.

  • USA
    Marion Cremer

    Equine Territory och teknisk chef

    Telephone : +1 561 360 4231

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Marion är Equine Territory och teknisk chef för Foran Equine baserad i Wellington, Florida och arbetar tillsammans med vår kommersiella och tekniska chef, Nia O'Malley, för att tillhandahålla teknisk support till kunder på den amerikanska marknaden. Hon tillhandahåller näringsrådgivning och stödjer de tekniska kraven för prestationshästar i olika discipliner, från jägare till dressyr över hela USA.

    Nia O'Malley

    Kommersiell och teknisk chef

    Telephone : +353 59 9775800

    Email : [email protected]

    Website :

    Som Foran Equine Commercial and Technical Manager på den amerikanska marknaden är Nia kvalificerad inom Equine Science och ger råd till några av de största sporthäststallen i världen. Nia arbetar tillsammans med vår hästterritorium och tekniska chef, Marion Cremer, och förstår näringsbehoven hos hästar som regelbundet tävlar och reser.

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