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A case study where Nutri-Calm can help

How can you support an anxious pony with calming supplements?

Our team of Expert Nutritionists received a question about how they can support their anxious pony at shows. Our Nutritional Expert Erin Campbell has an answer…

“I have a 5yo Connemara that is just getting going this year with some in-hand and ridden showing classes. His temperament is pretty good at home when he’s doing routine exercise and training. However, he gets very stressed once he has to go in the box to travel to a show. He sweats excessively when travelling and when he arrives at the show, he is then so worried that he cannot focus on the task at hand. Are there any supplements I could give him to help with this?

There are a lot of external influences that can increase stress for horses and especially for youngsters that are learning the ropes.

It is important to firstly address the horse’s diet to ensure they are receiving a high fibre, low starch diet to reduce excitability where possible. It is likely that if your horse’s behaviour is completely manageable at home and is only stressed for competitions, then your diet is probably suitable, but it can be beneficial to speak to a nutritionist directly to analyse the best feeding regime for your horse.  

If the daily diet is appropriate for your horse, it may be beneficial to consider a calming supplement.

Foran Equine’s Nutri-Calm is an L-tryptophan based supplement, which is the precursor to serotonin, the hormone that inhibits fear and stress. Adding in a supplement like Nutri-Calm can really help take the edge off the stress for your horse and help them focus. As we are trying to educate our youngsters with each show we take them to, it is so important for them to focus on the experience and learn something new each time. For horses that are sweating excessively, it is also important to provide supplemental electrolytes such as Foran Equine Re-Fuel. 

Nutri-Calm Gel is a syringe supplement that can be given 1-2 hours before you want the desired effects.

So, if you want to help calm your horse for travelling then I would advise administering the syringe around 1 hour before you are due to leave. Or if you are more concerned about the competition itself then I would advise administering the syringe around 1 hour before you are due to enter the arena. Or the last option would be to halve the recommended dose rate and give half before travelling and half before competition.  

If you can’t tell already, the greatest benefit of the Nutri-Calm Gel is the convenience of it – its usage can be adapted to best suit whatever your needs are and to help keep your horse controllable whilst learning along the way. 

Nutri-Calm – forget the fizz, regain the focus! 

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